Can family members living abroad be enrolled in health insurance as dependents?

Since April of the 2nd year of Reiwa (2020), in addition to the requirement of financial support, it has become necessary for the dependents to have a registered address (resident certificate) in Japan (residency requirement) in order to be recognized as dependents for Japanese health insurance purposes. Therefore, in principle, family members living abroad cannot be included as dependents of an employee.

However, in cases where the residency requirement cannot be met, the following situations are exceptions and such family members can be enrolled as dependents under the “Overseas Exceptional Requirement” category, as long as there is a fundamental connection to living in Japan:
1. Students studying abroad (there is no restriction on the duration of their study abroad).
2. Family members accompanying an insured person who is assigned to work abroad.
3. Individuals temporarily traveling abroad for sightseeing, recuperation, volunteer activities, or other purposes unrelated to employment (Working Holiday is considered as a travel to supplement travel and living funds during the overseas stay and not for employment purposes).
4. Individuals who establish a relationship with the insured person while the insured person is assigned to work abroad and are considered equivalent to those listed in 2 (e.g., children born to the insured person during their overseas assignment, spouses married in the foreign country during the assignment, special adoptees, etc.).
5. In addition to those listed in 1 to 4, individuals who, based on the purpose of travel or other circumstances, are recognized to have a fundamental connection to living in Japan (e.g., children born to dependents who travel for reasons such as studying abroad while they are overseas, etc.).

Please note that if individuals under the “Overseas Exceptional Requirement” category no longer meet the requirements while living abroad (e.g., for employment purposes or permanent residency in the destination country), they will be excluded as dependents.

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